It’s a Knockout – that’s a wrap!

ADNC took part in the It’s a Knockout event on Sunday for Sue Ryder Manorlands. It was a great day, the sun was shining and we all had fun attempting to complete the various events to score points.

We just missed out on a prize by coming fourth but a great effort by all, it was a lot harder than it looked and I know that people put their bodies on the line going home with cuts and bruises!

Some photos of the day to show you what we got up to and there is some particularly good shots of one of our directors Danny Vollentine busting some moves to You Can Leave Your Hat On wearing a fireman’s hat. There is video footage too available on request and for a donation!

We are still short of our fundraising target and asking for donations so if you haven’t donated, please click on the link below and donate what you can, every little helps! To those that have already donated, thank you very much!